Tanner and Emily’s Wedding

 Venue- Blanc Denver 
Catering- Footer’s
Wedding Planner – B Astonished
Decorative greenery- Mom of Bride grew them in her green house.
Bouquets- Ordered greenery online and arranged by Bride and Bridesmaids. 
I asked Emily if she would answer these questions for the Blogpost and she wrote back and said that they decided to each answer separately and then reveal the answers like the newlywed game!  I LOVE THAT!!
How did you meet?
E: We met in Fort Collins at St. Peter’s Fly Shop. I went in that day because a friend asked if I would help her pick out a gift. I still remember the sound of the bell on the door when I opened it and saw him at the front desk. Cheesy, but true. I thought he was very kind and helpful and so I decided to sign up for a fly tying class that I had been eying. He definitely made an impression because I took another friend in the next day to see if he was working again. We ended up running into each other again at a fly fishing expo in Denver that I went to with my dad. I bought him a coffee and he asked me to go to dinner that night. On our first date, we didn’t even talk about fly fishing!    
T: I was working at a fly shop in Fort Collins when Emily and her friend Hilary came in to buy Hilary’s dad a gift. I was happy to help them out, then the very next day Emily came back in with another friend to buy something for her dad for Christmas, I knew something was up… she signed up for a fly tying class and after she left I popped right into the calendar and put my name down to teach the class. A week or so later, I was down in Denver working at a fly fishing show and Emily and her dad stopped by the booth. It was a really early morning for us and after talking with Emily and her dad for a bit, I mentioned I didn’t get enough coffee at some point. We said goodbye and a few minutes later Emily returns with a coffee for me, she even brought cream and sugar. I just went right in and asked her out for dinner that night. The rest is history. 

What do you love about him?
He has an amazing capacity and appreciation for detail. I love how this translates into his dedication to friends and family, passion for political and social issues, talent as a designer, great sense of humor, and constant search for knowledge. I love that he challenges the way I think while always remaining supportive. He can make me laugh no matter my mood and constantly reminds me to empower and love myself. He is also the best person to go on any type of adventure with and I can’t even begin to compliment his mad cooking skills. 

What do you love about her?
I absolutely love her remarkable drive to always be kind and help others. Whether its asking if she can take the photo so that a person won’t be left out of the group shot or volunteering her free time to help a friend prepare for school applications, she is always looking to brighten someone’s day and lend a hand to anyone who may need one. 

If you had to describe your wedding to a stranger how would you describe it?
T: Imagine all the people who mean the world to you, from all these different stages of your life all there together in one place to see you off with love into this new phase of your life. 
E: An awesome team effort full of love. 

What has been the biggest adjustment to married life?
T: Honestly just the simple stuff like saying  “This is my wife, Emily” and keeping track of my wedding ring after doing the dishes or going climbing. 
E: There was something so powerful in thinking through, writing down, and saying our vows. We said the words and made the promises and now it is exciting to see them play out in the mundane and major times in life. Like standing next to Tanner in the laundromat and realizing how thankful I am to fold shirts next to someone that promised to love me forever. It is exciting now to view our entire future (the good, bad, and boring times) through the lense of the promises that we made to each other.  

What advice do you have for a newly engaged couple?
E: Keep it all in perspective. Before all of the details start rushing in, determine what is most important to you about the whole process and focus on that. It will end up being the thing you remember forever, and it most likely won’t be the color of the napkins. Also, assign a sacred time in the day or week that you aren’t allowed to talk about the wedding planning and instead, continue to invest in each other’s lives.
T: At some point during the wedding, take a few minutes to sneak out from the crowd and sit together for a few minutes and just watch everyone. Emily’s cousin and her husband passed this on to us and it kills me to this day that we didn’t formally make the time for it.

Any exciting plans or goals for you two for 2018?
T: We lost our dog Hatch last year before the wedding and to say he was a huge part of our life is a gross understatement. We loved him more than anything in the world. We are dog people. We are dying to get back out on long weekend walks through the woods with our guy. So in 2018 if we can pull off another yellow lab puppy, I think we would be beyond thrilled.
E: I think they mainly revolve around eating great food and exploring some awesome trails and campsites and hopefully adding four, furry legs and a tail to our family.
Colorado Springs Wedding Photographer
Phone: (719) - 646 - 9931Email: jen@jenlintsphotography.com


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